Archive | June, 2015

Timely Article on the Sunscreen Debate

I read this article just now and found it quite timely given my series on natural vs. chemical sunscreen. It’s a worthwhile read!

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Natural Sunscreen Review, Part 1

In connection with my recent series, Natural vs. Chemical Sunscreen, I tested five popular, over-the-counter, natural sunscreens on the market. I wore each one for at least an hour, and at least half of that time involved vigorous exercise and/or water immersion. Our Beef with Sunscreen: A Sensory Issue One of the primary, perhaps the […]

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Natural vs. Chemical Sunscreen, Part 1: Safety, Origin, and Efficacy

The title of this post alone suggests this inquiry is not a fair fight. Most of us would choose a so-called “natural” product over a chemical one. But when it comes to sunscreen, there is a lot more to it. For this post, let’s assume that a “natural” sunscreen is, in fact, “natural” as you […]

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Paleo Week 3: True Believer

How long does it take to forge a new habit? Given my recent experience with this Paleo challenge, I would argue three weeks. As you may recall, I expressed that I missed wine and carbonation in last week’s post. But at this point, I no longer yearn for either. I feel like I’m pregnant again […]

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Natural vs. Chemical Sunscreen, Part 2: The Recommendations

In Part 1 of this series on natural and chemical sunscreens, I covered the basics.  Here, we see that relatively minor shifts in priority between efficacy and potential health risks yield starkly different results in evaluating sunscreens.  To show this, I compared product recommendations from Consumer Reports and Environmental Working Group.  These two organizations consider […]

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Natural vs. Chemical Sunscreen: What’s Up With That?

What is a “natural” sunscreen?  What is a “chemical” sunscreen?  Does it matter? Is sunscreen safe? Is it effective? I got these questions a lot when practicing, and I continue to get them from friends and family. Over the next few weeks, I will be putting up a series of posts providing some insights that […]

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Paleo Week 2

I’m at the half-way mark, and I still have a lot of steam. What’s Missing? Really the only “foods” I genuinely miss are actually beverages.  First, red wine. I enjoy a glass (or two…) now and then. Next, carbonation. Soda is a BIG no-no, but it was calling my name the other day as I […]

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Getting “Some Color”

That is how I used to refer to tanning. Although I think skin cancer, particularly melanoma, merits significantly more attention than it gets in the media and in primary care offices, I would say that the vast majority of people, at least in this country, realize that the UV radiation is the number one culprit. […]

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Skin Cancer, An Oxymoron: A Rising Problem in a Progressive World

There is a phenomenon in our midst – as technology and knowledge advance, skin cancer rates continue to soar. How can this be? Several factors explain this, such as increasing temperatures, thinning ozone layer, tanning beds, and improved skin cancer detection and reporting. But, in my opinion, as disappointing as the global weather changes and […]

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The Basics

Ultraviolet Radiation  UVB rays are high energy and are responsible for sunburn, while UVA rays are lower energy, are more constant year round, penetrate glass, and cause premature aging.  UVA rays also depress the immune system and are more linked to skin cancer, especially melanoma, than UVB.  In fact, UVA rays are more damaging to […]

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