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Unmasking “Maskne”

Daily mask-wearing has become the new normal worldwide as we try to mitigate coronavirus. With facial mask use on the rise, we’re also observing a widespread phenomenon of mask-induced acne, coined “maskne.”  Yes, it’s real, but it’s preventable and treatable. Maskne, Defined Maskne is an example of acne mechanica: skin irritation and acne breakouts, predominantly […]

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My Kickstarter is Live!

The campaign is off to a momentous start, raising $1,425 on Day One! And as of 0700 this morning, we’re at $1,925! We’re well on our way to the funding goal, and we have many more days to go! I’m humbled and excited by the response to my children’s book, Sunny Goes to the Beach. […]

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Paleo Week 2

I’m at the half-way mark, and I still have a lot of steam. What’s Missing? Really the only “foods” I genuinely miss are actually beverages.  First, red wine. I enjoy a glass (or two…) now and then. Next, carbonation. Soda is a BIG no-no, but it was calling my name the other day as I […]

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